Steaks for dinner

At last, we headed to the restaurant for dinner where he usually eats.

He orders the menu “FUJI” as usual, and we had no idea what we were thinking to our selves. May be the protein shake was already in our brain and that made us lose our mind.

And after 10 minutes, the 450g of “FUJI” was there. We ordered the same thing.

※reference image

肉450gで我慢しよう。ま、前菜ですな( ・ω・)ノ

しまじろうさん(@yusukeshima)がシェアした投稿 –

関連ランキング:ステーキ | 田京駅

Everybody loves stake, but think about it. Our calorie intake for today was as same as Babek or more, since we had breakfast before eating Babek’s breakfast.

450g of steak was literally a final round. It was delicious though, but you know what we are trying to say.

Gained 2kg in 1day

I have no idea about our calories intake for the day of BABEK, but I gained 2kg just in 1day.

World-class athletes calorie consumption and intake are extremely high.

But only thing we learned from today….. was that Babek is the guy who eat a lot and super nice guy!